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Session 4

The New Geopolitics of Rivalries: Can Major Powers Find Common Ground?

Saturday, 5 November 2022

13:40 - 15:10 | GMT+7

We have entered a new period of geopolitical rivalry, where the stakes will be much higher than before. Before the COVID-19 crisis and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there were expectations that the major world powers would put aside their growing geopolitical rivalry to manage common global threats, among other the accumulating costs of climate change, so that cooperation would prevail over geopolitical competition. However, with a significantly lowered degree of trust among rivals, the necessary cooperation on global issues is at risk. Therefore, there is a need to thoroughly consider how to structure negotiations and sustain an open dialogue on global issues during periods of sustained distrust. The game has become considerably more complex than one in which the main players compete under a common set of rules.

How do we ensure global efforts toward our common goals remain on track? Has the window closed for major powers to find common ground at all?

Keynote Speakers & Panelists


Ana Naumoska

American University of Europe - North Macedonia

Lt. Col. Khalid Taimur Akram

Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future (PRCCSF) - Pakistan

Dr. Harish Mehta

Rising Asia Journal - India

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