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Session 2

Dear G20 Leaders: Hopes and Suggestions from the Grassroots

Saturday, 5 November 2022

10:40 - 11:40 | GMT+7

The G20 has the power to solve the world's most pressing challenges because it comprises the biggest economies, the biggest polluters; the largest donors; and the most influential shareholders of the international financial institutions and multilateral development banks. G20 members represent more than 80 percent of the world's GDP, 75 percent of international trade, and 60 percent of the world's population. As such, global citizens need to be able to share their hope and aspirations with the G20 governments, especially in conveying what they want to see the G20 deliver on common goals such as climate change, food security, and development financing.

Keynote Speakers & Panelists


Eva Rechy

Mexican Global Network Korea Chapter - Mexico

Marot Touloung

African Youth Action Network - South Sudan

Liang Shuang

Youth Representative from Universidad Del Sinu Cartagena - Colombia

Gurjit Singh

Rising Asia Foundation - India

Jovan Jovanović

Former Member of Serbian Parliament - Serbia

Elisa Shafiqah

Malaysian Youth Diplomacy - Malaysia

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